
You'll be surprised how important foot health truly is

What is a Podiatrist?

With one quarter of your body's bones are in your feet, and each foot has 33 joints, 26 bones, 19 muscles, and 107 ligaments. As such, our feet require specialist attention and this is what a Podiatrist delivers.

Podiatrists are university-trained foot health experts who help prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limbs. 

As the average person takes around 10,000 steps per day, taking care of our feet is an important aspect of our general health & well-being. 

What does a Podiatrist treat?

Sore feet are not a normal side effect from everyday life, yet only a small fraction of people suffering from sore feet seek out professional advice.

If you suffer from sore feet, lower limb issues, knee problems or lower back pain from walking, running or standing you should seek out a Podiatrist.

Podiatrists understand the structure and movement of the foot and lower limbs. They are able to diagnose foot conditions, identify systemic health conditions that present with foot or lower limb symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment.

Why your feet are important


Mobility & Independence

Your feet help keep you active, contributing to your general health. They also provide mobility, which is critical in maintaining your independence. And these translate to the things which are most important to you, such as your life, your community, freedom, relationships, health, activity, travel, independence, mobility, and your overall happiness! Our feet are often forgotten, but foot health can help you to live your best life.


They're Great Story Tellers

Your feet and lower limbs are often a critical factor in developing or avoiding non communicable health diseases elsewhere in your body. Even if it doesn't immediately seem connected to foot health, the link between foot health and common health conditions is very real indeed. These include obesity, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and a range of other conditions. Love your feet and they'll love you back!


They're Truly Amazing

Or at least Leonardo Da Vinci thought so when he said, ‘The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.’ Did you know that your foot contains 28 bones, 33 joints, more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments, and 250,000 sweat glands? Your feet support your entire body and need to work well for you to be active and healthy. Even if you don't currently have a foot complaint, its a good idea to have a foot health check to help maintain good health.

Your Experienced Podiatrist

Please note: Although we have received many glowing testimonials for our amazing Podiartrist, regulations of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) prohibit the publishing of testimonials for Podiatrists.

Christabelle Phillips, Podiatrist

Christabelle Phillips B.Sc.(U.W.A.) B.Sc.Pod. (Curtin) M.A.Pod.A. 

With over 28 years experience as a Podiatrist, Chris has worked closely with a wide variety of other health professionals and sporting teams.

Chris likes to take a holistic approach with podiatry as this ultimately leads to a more successful treatment. Although enjoying treating all aspects of podiatry, she has special interests in bio-mechanics and utilises advanced musculo-skeletal techniques. More importantly she likes to help people move pain free.

Chris’s treatments are covered by most health funds.

Christabelle specialises in the following

  • Podiatry
  • Paediatrics
  • Biomechanics
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